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Pages Updated On: 17-Sep-2015 - 16:31:10


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#!/usr/bin/perl # # Master Merry-Go-Round # Version 1.2 # Version 1.0 completed August 14, 2000 # Version 1.2 completed May 28, 2002 # # Tech Support at # # Before installing and/or using Master Merry-Go-Round, # you must agree to the complete license agreement # linked from # # (G) Access your control panel by putting the URL of your script plus # ?admin=YOURPASSWORD # #=============================== # my $Password = 'abroc39'; my $DataDirectory = 'rotatedata'; use strict; my %In = (); my $DBname = 'mmgr'; my $TrackFile = 'mmgTrack'; my $DBextension = '.db'; my @TopLines = qw(abovecontent abovebold aboveitalic aboveunderlined abovelarge abovecenter); my %TopLines = (); { my $i = 0; for(@TopLines) { $TopLines{$_} = $i; $i++; } } my $ME = $0; $ME =~ s/.*\///; sub ForDisplay { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/\/\>/sg; $s =~ s/\"/\"/sg; return $s; } # sub ForDisplay sub GetBottom { return <

More Master Series scripts are available at

Copyright 2000 William Bontrager
Copyright 2002 Bontrager Connection, LLC

QQ } # sub GetBottom sub GetTop { return <

M a s t e r   M e r r y - G o - R o u n d


QQ } # sub GetTop sub LockFile { my $tm = time; my $f = "${DataDirectory}/$DBname\.lock"; while((time - $tm) < 12) { last unless -e $f; sleep 2; } open LOCKFILE,">$f"; close LOCKFILE; } # sub LockFile sub UnLockFile { unlink "${DataDirectory}/$DBname\.lock"; return 0; } # sub UnLockFile sub Display { my ($line,$next,$howmany) = (); if(open R,"<${DataDirectory}/$TrackFile$DBextension") { my $line = ; close R; ($next,$howmany) = split /\t/,$line; } LockFile; open R,"<${DataDirectory}/$DBname$DBextension"; my @originalslurp = ; close R; chomp @originalslurp; UnLockFile; unless($howmany > 0) { $howmany = $#originalslurp; $next = 0; } return unless $howmany > 0; $next++; $next = 1 unless $next > 1 and $next <= $howmany; open W,">${DataDirectory}/$TrackFile$DBextension"; print W "$next\t$howmany"; close W; my $filename; ($filename,undef) = split /\t/,$originalslurp[$next],2; print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print '' if $In{page} =~ /^complete$/i; open R,"<${DataDirectory}/$filename"; print ; close R; print '' if $In{page} =~ /^complete$/i; exit; } # sub Display sub Parse { my $buffer; if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'GET') { $buffer = $ENV{QUERY_STRING}; } else { read(STDIN,$buffer,$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}); } my @pairs = split(/&/,$buffer); for(@pairs) { my ($n,$v) = split(/=/,$_); $v =~ tr/+/ /; $v =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg; $v =~ tr/\t/ /; $In{$n} = $v; } } # sub Parse sub ErrorHTML { my $s = join("\n
  • ",@_); print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print GetTop; print qq~


    • $s
    ~; print GetBottom; exit; } # sub ErrorHTML sub Overview { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print GetTop('Overview'); print <
  • You can rotate text ads or any other content, including images, sound, flash -- singly or in combination. You can display any amount of information -- even entire web pages. (It can be used to rotate web pages if you're testing for marketing or other purposes.)

    Every time the script is called, it displays the next content. When it reaches the end, it starts at the beginning again.

    Your content can be displayed on the page with SSI or inside a popup window. To view example code, click the applicable button:


    OVERVIEW print GetBottom; exit; } # sub Overview sub ExampleSSI { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print GetTop('Example SSI'); print <
    Code for implementing Master Merry-Go-Round to display contant as a Server Side Include for seamless integration into a web page.

    On most servers, this requires a .shtml page file name extenstion. Ask your server admin if you're unsure about their requirements.

    The code is presented in two different ways. Use whichever works best for you.

    <!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/MasterMerryGoRound.cgi"-->

    EXAMPLESSI print GetBottom; exit; } # sub ExampleSSI sub ExamplePopup { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print GetTop('Example Popup'); print <Code for implementing a Master Merry-Go-Round popup box.

    The code is presented in two different ways. Use whichever works best for you.

    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!--
    function MMGR(){
    // (1) Specify the height, in pixels, of your popup box.
    var height = '200';
    // (2) Specify the width, in pixels, of your popup box.
    var width = '300';
    // (3) May the popup have scrollbars? 'yes' or 'no'
    var scrollbars = 'yes';
    // (4) Shall the popup be resizable? 'yes' or 'no'
    var resizable = 'yes';
    // (5) Specify the URL of your Master Merry-Go-Round program.
    var url = 'cgi-bin/MasterMerryGoRound.cgi';
    // No other edits required in this function.
    var param = 'height=' + height + ',width=' + width +
    ',scrollbars=' + scrollbars + ',resizable=' + resizable;
    url = url  + '?page=complete';
    mdc =,"dc",param);
    } // -->
    <a href="javascript:MMGR()">Click for popup</a>

    EXAMPLEPOPUP print GetBottom; exit; } # sub ExamplePopup sub DisplayControlPanel { unless($In{admin} eq $Password) { print "Location: $ENV{HTTP_REFERER}\n\n"; exit; } my @originalslurp = (); LockFile; if(open R,"<${DataDirectory}/$DBname$DBextension") { @originalslurp = ; close R; chomp @originalslurp; } UnLockFile; my($next,$howmany) = split /\t/,$originalslurp[0],2; print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print GetTop('Main Menu'); print <

    Tech Support at

    TOPTHECONTROLPANELPAGE if($originalslurp[1]) { $next++; $next = 1 if $next > $howmany; print <
    Currently, you have $howmany different content display blocks.

    Content block number $next is next in line for display.

    INSIDE1 for(1..$#originalslurp) { my($filename,$sequence,$filenum,$title) = split /\t/,$originalslurp[$_]; $title = ForDisplay($title); print < INSIDEMID } print <

    INSIDE2 } print GetBottom; exit; } # sub DisplayControlPanel sub UpdateAddContent { ErrorHTML('A title must be specified.') unless $In{title} =~ /\w/; ErrorHTML('Please provide some kind of content.') unless $In{content} =~ /\w/; if($In{content} =~ /\n/) { $In{content} =~ s/\r//gs; } else { $In{content} =~ s/\r/\n/gs; } my @originalslurp = ("0\t0\t0\t0"); LockFile; if(open R,"<${DataDirectory}/$DBname$DBextension") { @originalslurp = ; close R; chomp @originalslurp; } UnLockFile; my($filename,$sequence,$filenum,$title) = split /\t/,$originalslurp[$#originalslurp]; my($next,$howmany) = split /\t/,$originalslurp[0],2; $howmany++; $originalslurp[0] = "$next\t$howmany"; $title = $In{title}; $filenum++; $sequence = @originalslurp; $filename = "$DBname$filenum$DBextension"; push @originalslurp,"$filename\t$sequence\t$filenum\t$title"; LockFile; open W,">${DataDirectory}/$DBname$DBextension"; for(@originalslurp) { print W "$_\n"; } close W; UnLockFile; open W,">${DataDirectory}/$filename"; print W $In{content}; close W; unlink "${DataDirectory}/$TrackFile$DBextension"; } # UpdateAddContent sub AddContent { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print GetTop('Add Content'); print <

    $_ $title
    Give this content a name you will recognize:

    Put your content here (HTML okay):

    THECONTROLPANELPAGE print GetBottom; exit; } # sub AddContent sub UpdateEditContent { ErrorHTML('A title must be specified.') unless $In{title} =~ /\w/; ErrorHTML('Please provide some kind of content.') unless $In{content} =~ /\w/; if($In{content} =~ /\n/) { $In{content} =~ s/\r//gs; } else { $In{content} =~ s/\r/\n/gs; } LockFile; open R,"<${DataDirectory}/$DBname$DBextension"; my @originalslurp = ; close R; UnLockFile; chomp @originalslurp; my $t; for $t (@originalslurp) { if(index($t,"$In{filename}\t") == 0) { my ($filename,$sequence,$filenum,$title) = split /\t/,$t; $title = $In{title}; $t = join "\t",$filename,$sequence,$filenum,$title; last; } } LockFile; open W,">${DataDirectory}/$DBname$DBextension"; for(@originalslurp) { print W "$_\n"; } close W; UnLockFile; open W,">${DataDirectory}/$In{filename}"; print W $In{content}; close W; unlink "${DataDirectory}/$TrackFile$DBextension"; } # UpdateEditContent sub EditContent { LockFile; open R,"<${DataDirectory}/$DBname$DBextension"; my @originalslurp = ; close R; UnLockFile; chomp @originalslurp; my $filename = "$DBname$In{editcontent}$DBextension"; my($title,$content); for(@originalslurp) { if(index($_,"$filename\t") == 0) { (undef,undef,undef,$title) = split /\t/; last; } } open R,"<${DataDirectory}/$filename"; { my @p = ; close R; $content = join '',@p; } $title = ForDisplay($title); $content = ForDisplay($content); print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print GetTop('Edit Content'); print <

    The content's name for recognition:

    The content (HTML okay):

    THECONTROLPANELPAGE print GetBottom; exit; } # sub EditContent sub UpdateDeleteContent { unlink "${DataDirectory}/$In{filename}"; LockFile; open R,"<${DataDirectory}/$DBname$DBextension"; my @originalslurp = ; close R; UnLockFile; chomp @originalslurp; my($next,$howmany) = split /\t/,$originalslurp[0],2; $howmany--; $originalslurp[0] = "$next\t$howmany"; my $t; for $t (@originalslurp) { if(index($t,"$In{filename}\t") == 0) { $t = ''; last; } } LockFile; open W,">${DataDirectory}/$DBname$DBextension"; for(@originalslurp) { print W "$_\n" if $_; } close W; UnLockFile; unlink "${DataDirectory}/$TrackFile$DBextension"; } # UpdateDeleteContent sub DeleteContent { LockFile; open R,"<${DataDirectory}/$DBname$DBextension"; my @originalslurp = ; close R; UnLockFile; chomp @originalslurp; my $filename = "$DBname$In{deletecontent}$DBextension"; my($title,$content); for(@originalslurp) { if(index($_,"$filename\t") == 0) { (undef,undef,undef,$title) = split /\t/; last; } } open R,"<${DataDirectory}/$filename"; { my @p = ; close R; $content = join '',@p; } print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print GetTop('Delete Content'); print <


    THECONTROLPANELPAGE print GetBottom; exit; } # sub DeleteContent sub ControlPanel { for(keys %In) { if(/\Aedit\_/ and $In{$_}) { (undef,$In{editcontent}) = split /\_/; last; } if(/\Adelete\_/ and $In{$_}) { (undef,$In{deletecontent}) = split /\_/; last; } } CONTROLPANELSWITCHER: { if($In{addcontent}) { AddContent; last CONTROLPANELSWITCHER; } if($In{updateaddcontent}) { UpdateAddContent; last CONTROLPANELSWITCHER; } if($In{editcontent}) { EditContent; last CONTROLPANELSWITCHER; } if($In{updateeditcontent}) { UpdateEditContent; last CONTROLPANELSWITCHER; } if($In{deletecontent}) { DeleteContent; last CONTROLPANELSWITCHER; } if($In{updatedeletecontent}) { UpdateDeleteContent; last CONTROLPANELSWITCHER; } } # CONTROLPANELSWITCHER &DisplayControlPanel; } # sub ControlPanel Parse; Overview if $In{overview}; ExampleSSI if $In{examplessi}; ExamplePopup if $In{examplepopup}; ControlPanel if $In{admin}; Display;

    This page last updated Thu Feb. 9 2023
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